In addition to cardiological examinations, the following tests can be performed in our hospital:
Electrocardiography (ECG)
It is the visualization of the electric current of the heart. Some heart diseases give us hints by causing changes on ECG.
Echocardiography (Heart Ultrasound)
It is the visualization of the heart with sound waves. It provides very important information in congenital, valve diseases, HT and heart failure by examining the structure of the heart, its walls, movements, valve structures, blood flows in the heart.
Effort Test
ECG recordings are taken when the patient moving on a treadmill. Coronary artery diseases and arrhythmia are detected.
Holter Test (Rhythm and Blood Pressure)
With the Rhythm Holter, the patient’s 24-hour heart rhythm is recorded. Ischemia and arrhythmias are tried to be revealed. It is extremely useful in the diagnosis of palpitations and fainting.
If your blood pressure is not stable and your medicines are ineffective, your precise treatment can be programmed with 24-hour blood pressure monitoring.
Myocardial Perfusion Scintigraphy-Thallium Scintigraphy:
It is the nuclear imaging of the heart. It is a method of delivering radioactive substances such as thallium-201 or Tc-99m MIBI through the vein, spreading these substances in the cardiovascular system and determining the distribution in the heart muscles with a nuclear camera (gamma camera). It indicates ischemic areas due to vascular narrowing or necrosis areas due to vascular thromboembolism.
Coronary Angiography
Coronary Angio is the visualization of the veins that feed the heart by reaching the mouth of the coronary arteries by help of a catheter with a guidewire through feeding the catheter with a guidewire through the arterial pathway in the groin, wrist or arm and by delivering an opaque substance. Coronary Angio operation takes 10-20 minutes.
It reveals any stiffness, narrowing or blockage in the coronary arteries (veins feeding the heart muscles), and if any, it indicates in which vein or branch of the vein, to what extent a narrowing or occlusion.
In case a narrowing or obstruction is detected in the coronary artery, it suggests us what to do in this situation. (drug therapy? balloon-stent? or by-pass?)
In patients who have previously undergone by-pass or balloon-stent surgeries, it reveals whether there is recurrence of problem occurred in both the balloon-stent and by-pass applied veins and other unoperated veins.
Treatment in Coronary Artery Diseases
- Drug treatment: Various drugs are used in patients who are not suitable for surgery, balloon and stent placement.
- Primary PTCA and Stent: It is the opening of the vessel with a balloon in the early period in patients who have recently had a heart attack and stenosis in coronary arteries with significance over 60% and suitable for stent application.
- CABG (cardiovascular surgery): These are the operations performed at the end of the stenosis or blocked vein with the vein taken from the chest or leg.